Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who and What Now?

This blog has become the venue for stories, tales, amd ruminations of the Madman, his kitten, The Huntress of Hearts, and other characters who appear from time to time.

The Cast:

The Madman: Is a Sufi, a dervish of a mysterious order. He is a Lover of the One, and is so immersed in his state of communion with the One, that his actions are often strange, and even seemingly mad, but his understanding is the solid underpinning of it all. He is no fool, but he is a Fool.

The Huntress of Hearts: A small, feisty kitten who is the Madman's companion. She is very mysterious, and one can never be quite sure just what or who She is.

The Madman's wife: The lover of the Lover. A voice of reason and depth who challenges the Madman and so hones his understanding. A dervish in her own right.

there will be others........

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