Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who and What Now?

This blog has become the venue for stories, tales, amd ruminations of the Madman, his kitten, The Huntress of Hearts, and other characters who appear from time to time.

The Cast:

The Madman: Is a Sufi, a dervish of a mysterious order. He is a Lover of the One, and is so immersed in his state of communion with the One, that his actions are often strange, and even seemingly mad, but his understanding is the solid underpinning of it all. He is no fool, but he is a Fool.

The Huntress of Hearts: A small, feisty kitten who is the Madman's companion. She is very mysterious, and one can never be quite sure just what or who She is.

The Madman's wife: The lover of the Lover. A voice of reason and depth who challenges the Madman and so hones his understanding. A dervish in her own right.

there will be others........

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday is just the day after Sunday.

I am feeling pretty good about my writing. Some things have finally clicked and it seems to be really flowing about subjects other than politics. Maybe I should say 'snarkatics' because if one listens to the sundry pundits out there, that is about all you get, nasty, snarky comments. The country is going to hell in a hand basket you say, never mind that, you have to worry that Obama is a secret Muslim. Yeah right.
We as a country are damned close to entertaining ourselves to death. OK, enough of that.

I am just getting back into the routine of writing a blog, so as I get up to speed, please bear with me here.

Time to head to Wal-Mart and acquire some badly needed things for supper. I also feel a real need to write a new poem for my other blog.

Current Reading: Sex, Sin and Zen by Brad Warner
                           Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley
                           Bite Me by Chris Moore

Till next time,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Blogs!!

I am reviving this blog for my general prose writing, ranting, and other WTF moments in my life. It will be a companion piece to Prismatic Dreams, which is for my 'prosetry". I hope there are things here that will speak to your heart! Thanks T